Learn How To Scale And Elevate Your Revenue By Attracting Corporate Sponsors.

Sponsorships open doors to new opportunities, partnerships, bigger stages, and the ability to make the impact you want in the world.

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How to secure Corporate Sponsorships Future Females episode #25 with Lumka Stuurman

Never has the opportunity for influencers to create profitable partnerships been so simple.

Whether you’re an…

  • Author
  • Speaker
  • Podcast Host
  • Blogger
  • Non-Profit Executive
  • Event Planner
  • Social Media Influencer
  • Coach
  • Consultant
  • Expert
  • Church Leader
  • Service Provider
  • Brick and Mortar Business Owner
  • Music Artist
  • Community & Tribe Leader
  • Founder
  • Inventor
  • Journalist
  • And much more…

Sponsorships allow you to align your name and brand with other major corporations and brands. Sponsorships amplify your voice, work, and brand.

What happens when you’re a sponsored influencer? That’s up to you! It’s a story and journey that you get to write. Here’s what some of my clients experienced by being sponsored:

  • Increased credibility, image, and prestige: They quickly became a celebrity or authority figure in their market.
  • Maximum influence in their niches: They were able to charge more for the work they do and the tribe they influence.
  • Increased target market: Alignment with the right brands increased their customer base.
  • More sales with supercharged sponsorship promotions: Sponsorship influencers increased their revenue and stopped worrying where the next client or check would come from.
  • Secured support: They got companies to pay for their brands, products, and services. They avoid the cash flow roller coaster that makes your stomach turn every month.

It’s time for the world to know you. It’s time to be paid for the difference you make. It’s time to get sponsored.

Sponsorship is an amazing journey. Remember that sponsorship takes time and persistence, but the rewards are far greater than the effort. Sponsorship is simple….it’s just not easy!


  1. I will get sponsored simply because I have a big following.
  2. I need a big list in order to get sponsored.
  3. Only non-profits can get sponsored.
  4. There's no money for first-time properties.
  5. I don't have anything to give a sponsor.
  6. Sponsorship is easy.
  7. More sponsors means more money.


  1. Believing that sponsorship is just a bunch of "free" money because the sponsor is an ATM machine.
  2. Believing that a sponsor has to love or like you.
  3. Not providing enough detail.
  4. Providing too much story or fiction.
  5. Not planning appropriately for the timing of the sponsorship.
  6. Not offering exclusivity.
  7. Harassing and disrespecting the sponsor.


  1. I don't do social media.
  2. I don't have a website.
  3. I don't have a logo, my business is too small.
  4. I don't have a video studio, I'm not ready yet.
  5. I don't have a team and this is too sophisticated for me.
  6. It's expensive to be an influencer.
  7. I don't want to get lost in the money.

You Have Everything You Need To Be An Influencer. You Can Get Sponsored As An Influencer.

It's time to find out exactly how you want to share your influence and get sponsored for the difference you make. You must believe that you have something valuable to offer to the world, then be able to articulate that value to sponsors whether they be local, provincial, regional, national, international, or even virtual. Yes, in this digital age, more and more influencers are being sponsored virtually. 


I have my finger on the pulse of the latest trends in the sponsorship and marketing industries that allows us to harness cutting-edge strategies that garner results.

I have a 10+ years of marketing and sales experience, and an extensive network of influential relationships, coupled with the intelligence and data of the real-time spending habits of today’s consumers and brands.

My expertise has resulted in hundreds of key partnerships and millions of rands of new revenue for my clients.

This is for YOU if:

  • You currently self-fund your programs and events OR avoid these initiatives all together due to lack of cash flow.
  • You are an influencer that consumers already follow and admire.
  • You are aware it’s time to add corporate sponsors to take your business higher but you lack the information and relationships to make it happen.
  • You want to rapidly elevate your revenue in a way that other marketing strategies cannot.


  1. Stop self-funding your dream–events, programs, book launch and tours.
  2. Improve your overall impact and income by leveraging with big name brands
  3. Tap into one of the most lucrative revenue streams, with the ability to scale
  4. Elevate Your Income without creating anything new
  5. Create massive visibility with key brand alignment

What My Clients Are Saying

"I wanted to land corporate sponsors but I did not know where to start, what to offer, or charge. After working with Lumka 1:1 for 6 hours and implementing her framework, I scheduled 8 meetings with potential sponsors and closed 3 of them, securing R325,000!."

Melanie Standa, Business Trends, Inc

"I hosted my first conference this year and Lumka helped me secured 2 corporate sponsors for the event. While working with her she worked with me to create a strategy, communicated with me frequently and managed the entire process in a way that gave me extreme confidence in her abilities. She really knows her stuff. We have already began to work on securing sponsorships for next year."

Nicole Roberts, Fierce Confidence Lab

"Lumka Stuurman’s corporate sponsorship strategies have taught me the effective ways to create a partnership opportunity presentation. Before working with Lumka I did not know where to start. Now, I have 5 meetings on my calendar and already landed one sponsor to launch an upcoming event."

 Kim Thomas

Remember That NOT Every Sponsor Is The Right Sponsor For You.

"EVERYTHING you need to fully fund your business with corporate money"


Sponsorship is the new advertising channel of choice for brands both big and small, get these tools and learn how to position your business, showcase your brand assets in a powerful and attractive way.  Build the relationships, attract corporations ready to sign large checks and land the sponsorships that will take you to the next level.

Me and you for 6 hours putting in the work together! You’ll walk away from our session with clarity on how to approach your dream sponsors. I’ll provide you with email and proposal templates, contact information to potential partners (warm and cold leads), and a sales tracker for your outreach. Plus, we’ll actually put this strategy to the test and implement what you’ve learned.

This is the complete sponsorship solution toolkit. This all-in-one sponsorship seeking toolkit includes all of the tools you'll need to start landing sponsors.  

Remember the primary reason they want to partner with you through sponsorship is to get in front of potential consumers to sell more of their products and services and to spread their messages, so the more ways you can give them exposure and visibility, the more attractive your opportunity will be.

I was working hours upon hours to hear just a ton of no's and maybe's, and hopefully one yes. I was working my butt off, creating proposals, scouring LinkedIn for the right person to contact, Googling what the heck others were offering, and getting NOWHERE! When I learnt and applied the secrets that I have shared in this guide, that's when things changed for me.

This is the "Get Started Now" 60-Day Checklist. It is a step-by-step checklist of everything you need to do to start becoming sponsorable. I would've given anything for this checklist when I first got started. 

How sponsorable are you? How confident are you that you will be able to meet their needs and requirements? There are many things a corporate sponsor is going to expect, in this guide I cover the primary ones.

Everyone would like to travel more but let's face it, traveling is expensive. Travel sponsorships are one way that travelers with a social media or online presence can utilize their influence to help finance their travels. These Travel Sponsorship Email Pitch Templates can help you.

from an industry expert

pink lulu

Lumka Stuurman

Corporate Sponsorship Coach/Trainer

As CEO of Ladies With High Heels & High Goals, a global Sponsorship Consultancy based in Cape Town, South Africa, Lumka has spent over a decade working with corporations, entrepreneurs and influencers of all shapes and sizes to create perfect alignment between brands and influencers for increased visibility and profit.

An expert in understanding what makes you incredibly attractive to corporate sponsors, Lumka also created the exclusive training program Sponsorship Magnet™, uniquely designed for business owners and influencers who want to learn how to land corporate sponsors.

Her clients have landed sponsorship with L’Oreal. AVIS, FNB, Lomas Wildlife Protection Trust to name a few.

Lumka has been featured in over 10 media outlets, including DESTINEY Magazine, YOU, Enterprising Women, and Forbes Africa. In 2019, she was the recipient of the National Association of Professional Women, Woman of the Year for her industry.

Her mission is to forever change the way that businesses in South Africa market and prosper.

$72Billion Globally
Sponsorship Growth
Sponsorship Success Rate
Coporations Sponsoring in SA

Our Blog

If you've been concerned in the past with wanting to land corporate sponsors but don't know where to start or you have attempted and failed, if you don't know what to offer a potential sponsor, or don't know what to say when you do get in the door, this is for you.

Why Companies Sponsor

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INCREASE BRAND LOYALTY  It’s more expensive to recruit a new customer than to keep an existing customer. Sponsors pay big bucks to achieve brand loyalty among their existing customer base. Sponsors also like to think of ways to thank existing customers, such as loyalty programs that could include your property. Satisfied and loyal customers tell…

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Secrets To Secure Travel Sponsorships – Part 2

By Lumka Stuurman | Apr 28, 2023

Establishing your product, ask yourself, “What is my product that I am selling to my sponsoring partner?” When developing your product, think about what value it brings to your sponsor. Ideally your product will drive a measurable return on your sponsor’s investment in you. Many aspiring sponsored travelers fail to approach their endeavors with focus…

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Secrets To Secure Travel Sponsorships – Part 1

By Lumka Stuurman | Apr 24, 2023

How to finance your travels using your Social Media. Travel Sponsorships remain an excellent way to finance your travels. Everyone would like to travel more but let’s face it, traveling is expensive. Travel sponsorships are one way that travelers with a social media or online presence can utilize their influence to help finance their travels.…

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What is Sponsorship?

By Lumka Stuurman | Apr 21, 2023

The Industry definition of Sponsorship Corporate Sponsorship is a cash and/or in-kind fee paid to a property in return for access to the commercial potential associated with that property. Now is  my definition of Sponsorship. Sponsors give you money and resources to connect them with people who buy things. Sponsorship works because of the association…

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